Find A Space on a Train, FAST

11th Feb 21
Esoterix has been successful in the latest round of T-TRIG awards.

This award will bring realtime occupancy measures into crowding predictions developed as part of Dynamic Capacity Management.

So, if realtime measurements show there are 1000 people on a service at Station A, the predictor will use historic flows to estimate how many people will be on the service at stations further down the line.

Customers will be able to see information that is more relevant to the journey they want to make: how busy the service will be when they’re on board, rather than how busy the service is now.

Department for Transport’s summary of the projects here (FAST is on page 21).


Department for Transport T-TRIG Winners Announced banner


Department for Transport


Behaviour modelling

Partner in research project with University of Bristol and University of Exeter into travel patterns and passenger choices, and how fare rebates might help operators spread peak demand.

This includes insight into how socio-demographics affects travel demand behaviour and response to fare rebates and rewards, and to what extent the effect of a rebate scheme can be predicted with confidence given only passenger travel demand history and no socio-demographic information.

Four month project starting August 2020. Read the full release here



Dynamic Capacity Management

We are thrilled to have been awarded funding under the SBRI First of a Kind in Rail competition to scale technology to deliver fairer fares and help operators spread passenger demand across services.

Read our full announcement here


Small Business Research Innovation Grant logo


Department for Transport

T-TRIG 2019

Transport Technology Research Innovation Grants

Improving transport options for the elderly

Six-month project to assess how the availability and affordability of transport for older and disabled people can be increased through making its organisation integral to the events it serves.



University of the West of England


MODLE – 2016-2019

Mobility on Demand Laboratory Environment

How do we deal with a ‘sprawling urban mobility crisis’? How do we deliver attractive, convenient and financially sustainable passenger transport services so that everyone in society can access jobs, healthcare, and – let’s face it – just get out and about for some human interaction?

In September 2016 the Mobility on Demand Laboratory Environment (MODLE) began to explore solutions to these pressing issues. During that time, this multi-award winning project has

  • spearheaded new transport demand and simulation techniques,
  • road-tested new service models, and
  • market-tested new business models.


University of the West of England logo
Transport Systems Catapult
First Bus logo


Horizon 20202 smart cities project exploring the integration of data, energy and mobility. Esoterix works with local partners to deliver a demand responsive transport service improving access to events in the areas of Ashley, Easton and Lawrence Hill.

Outcomes include

  • Automated passenger invitations
  • Routing and scheduling
  • Driver app
  • Event management interface




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